zaterdag 20 februari 2016

Hello Kitty from Hell - Clone

''Life is like a roller coaster, live it, be happy, enjoy live'', with these great magic words we will start this pedal.
I've made this pedal for Laura ''B.B.B.'' Pannekoek in exchange of an old IPhone. Luckily she didn't say what kind of artwork she wanted, so I’ve used my imagination and came up with ''this''.
This pedal is in style of Avril Lavigne, as you can see.
It's a drive-fuzz combo pedal. On the left side we've got a Devi Ever Sodameiser, a thick muff-like fuzz that works great with bass guitar. On the right side we’ve got a DBA Interstellar Overdrive. Most overdrive pedals made for bass are quite big (large schematic), but I needed a small one. I've searched and searched, but when I saw that the bassist of one of my favourite bands (A Place to bury strangers) used an Interstellar Overdrive, I chose that one.
At this point I'm not satisfied with my etching skills, so this will be my last time etching with caustic soda, from now on I will use ferric chloride.

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