maandag 2 mei 2016

Teisco Guitar - Mod/Repair

First time modding/repairing someone else’s guitar. This is an old Japanese Teisco guitar from Merlijn Breedland, he got it for free from a friendly stranger.
When Merlijn got this guitar, it was totally junk. He put some fresh strings on it and adjusted the neck.
We went crazy with this guitar, we threw the tone and volume pots away, because ''he didn't need it''. The problem with most Teisco guitars, they have a small output, that doesn’t really work well onstage, so we put an active booster in it. I chose for the EHX LPB-1 because it gives more output and it’s very small so it would fit in the guitar. 
With the switch on the guitar, you can activate (and deactivate) the booster, so the battery doesn’t drain too quickly. 
I also repositioned the input. Merlijn suffers from the disability of being left-handed, so I placed the input somewhere else without drilling, so the input/guitarcable doesn't come in the way.

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