zaterdag 6 februari 2016

Dan Armstrong Green Ringer - Clone.

Same story as the Speaker Cranker, I had an old enclosure, so why not use it.
The green ringer is an analogue (up) octaver, it's hard to compare, but if you think about an octave Up fuzz (like the Uni-Vox SuperFuzz) and take the fuzz away, that’s the sound....yeah, I’ve tried. But you can't compare it with a nowadays (digital) octaver like a POG or Whammy.
But it is a really great effect, one that will stay on my board.
No pots, no problems, just kick it in and it works.
Later I've build one for Merlijn Breedland for his ''controversial people with awesome facial hair''.
As you can see I've etched in Joseph Stalin, this was my first time etching so it’s kinda messed up, but the result is killing.

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